Head Packs & Hesakudichi

This treatment is very good in cases of hair loss, dandruff, grain, insomnia, low blood pressure ...

Head Packs or Hisakuduchchi


Hisakudichi in singhala language also known as hisgalum or head pack is a widely recommended treatment that is unique and endemic to Neelammahara manasa roga treatment protocol which consists of a herbal pastes-like mixture of high medical va

In this treatment, the scalp will be completely covered in herbal pastes which will penetrate and nourish the brain and central nervous system, rejuvenating the individual from inside. There are various types of this type of preparation in the treatment regimen, which indicates according to the patient’s constitution and the intensity of the mental illness. Application of these head packs varies from disease to disease for example if the cognitive functions are weak more weight is put on to the brahma randra or anterior fontanels.

This treatment is very good in cases of hair loss, dandruff, grain, insomnia, low blood pressure and chronic sinusitis

The head packs are prepared using various formulas, described in the ancient texts of Ola leaves.

The head packs are prepared using various formulas, described in the ancient texts of Ola leaves.

How does it work

Herbal oil is applied to the head and massaged. Varthi, a special cloth is tied around the head and thereafter the herbal paste is applied with uniform thickness all over the head. After 45 minutes the paste is removed and the head is wiped clean. 

This mixture is made from a blend of several medicinal herbs. After the patient wears the head pack for three hours, he or she is directed to have a bath, usually from a special pond prepared for this purpose. This treatment balances the three humours.
There are many types of head packs that are selected according to the severity of the problem and the patient’s health conditions


Benefits of Hisakuduchchi

  • Helps to relax and calm down
  • Relieves tension, migraines and sleep disorders
  • Increases memory power
  • Treats scalp diseases